Facts About Employment Law You Should Know

Facts About Employment Law You Should Know

Employment law applies in many scenarios when you’re providing your services under the umbrella of a company.

These laws (Nebentaetigkeitsrecht) are made to protect the rights of both the employers, as well as their employees against unnecessary liability and legal actions.

Laws About Termination

Usually, many employees think that their employer cannot terminate them against their will. However, this is not entirely true, and in many circumstances, the employer can easily terminate any employee as they wish without presenting any explanation for their act.


But there are certain laws that apply to the will of the employer when terminating you. The employer, for example, cannot terminate you because of your sex, race, sexual orientation, and your religion. If the employer promised job security when hiring you, they cannot terminate you just because you violated a small contract. They can also never terminate you when you require your legal rights like demanding the unpaid salary. Also, they cannot terminate you after you report them to any government agency or police.

Access to Personnel Files

All of the employees have the right to access their personnel files. They are allowed to see what their personnel files contain about their job performance. You can request your employer to inspect the file, and they have to provide you with a reasonable time to inspect it, even if it is under their supervision. You can also ask them to edit your personnel file if you think that there is some missing information, or misleading information in that file.

If You Don’t Use Your Vacations

If you do not use the offered vacations by your employer, you are entitled to getting the pay for working in those days. However, your employer has the right to set a maximum time which you can work for during vacations.