Blood in Urine – Ideas for Helping Your Cat

Blood in Urine – Ideas for Helping Your Cat

Blood in cat urine (called hematuria) can be caused by many various things. Veterinarians will disclose to you that cat urine with blood in it can either be gross, meaning you can see it with the naked eye, or it very well might be minute, meaning you cannot see it besides under a magnifying lens. The medical name for the presence of blood in cat urine is hematuria.

Causes of Blood in Cat Urine

As referenced above, there can be many reasons for hematuria in your pet. Some of them include:

* Various sorts of urinary tract infections

* Bladder infections

* Vaginitis in females

* Some forms of urinary cancer

* Urinary tract stones

* Poisoning (especially from rat poison items)

* Accidents or injury

As you can see, hematuria in it tends to be caused by some intense conditions, all of which should be treated by a professionally qualified veterinarian. Now and again, blood can indicate a hazardous condition, and getting your pet to the vet rapidly can save its life.

Different Symptoms Associated with Blood in Cat Urine

In addition to seeing urine with blood discharges, you may also see some different signs and symptoms. For instance, you may see your pet is experiencing pain while urinating. You may also see that your pet has gotten weak or is unable to move. There may be pain in the abdominal area, and you may also see that your pet urinates more frequently than expected. All of these, along with cat urine with blood in it, are indications of an issue.

Treatment of Blood in Cat urine

Cat care

Treatment for feline hematuria relies upon the cause. Your vet may need to do several tests to preclude potential causes. This may include anything from urine test to X-rays. When the underlying cause has been recognized, treatment can begin, for example, making sure your cat is appropriately hydrated (drinking enough) or if urinary or bladder stones are blocking the path of the urine.

In many cases the reason for blood in cat urine can be treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics will take care of most bacterial infections that lead to cat urine with blood in it. Now and again, you may need to change your pet is eating routine to help lessen the presence of cat bladder stones. As a rule, blood in cat urine will require increased degrees of hydration. And if poisoning is suspected, additional degrees of Vitamin K may be required.

The way to recollect is that hematuria is not normal and should be accounted for to your vet on the double. When the underlying reason for the cat urine with blood is known, treatments can begin and recuperation can start.